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Iran arrests workers in International Labor Day

Iran arrests workers in International Labor Day
AvaToday caption
posted onMay 1, 2019

Iranian regime arrested numbers of labor activists as workers gathered in front of Iranian parliament on Wednesday, which marks International Labor Day, sources informed to Avatoday.

Security forces reportedly attacked a crowed of workers, who were protesting against poor work situation and poverty in Iran’s capital of Tehran.

The peaceful protesters were shouting slogans against corruption and poverty while advocating for a unity between workers and students.

Sources inside the crowd told Avatoday that police used force to end the peaceful gathering. 

Workers’ unions have also announced that a number of their members were detained by security forced on Wednesday.

There is so far, no report about the exact number of worker detainees today, but BBC Persian published names of about 20 person who have been arrested today in Tehran.

According to a report by UN, over 7000 activists including labor, women, human rights, students, and environmental activists were prisoned by Islamic Republic in 2018.