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Iranian newspaper claims Tehran’s victory in nuclear talks

Iranian newspaper claims Tehran’s victory in nuclear talks
posted onDecember 29, 2021

A Tehran-based newspaper, Kayhan, which is close to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, praised the new Iranian administration’s strategy of “strong logic” and insistence on its rights during the talks in Vienna on the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal.

The newspaper said the Islamic Republic of Iran successfully put pressure on the US and as a result Washington was forced to soften its rhetoric.

In an article published Wednesday, Kayhan highlighted a shift in the tone of the US Special Envoy for Iran Rob Malley regarding the ongoing talks.

According to Kayhan, a change in Iran’s administration and the Parliament’s persistence in reviving the Iranian nation’s violated rights “led the Americans to set aside their bullying and vulgar rhetoric.”

Washington’s stance “indicate that it is Iran’s strong logic and upper hand in the talks that have successfully put pressure on the United States to remove all the sanctions, [allow] verifications, give credible guarantees [that it will stay in the deal], and compensate for all the damages it caused due to several years of breaking commitments,” Kayhan wrote according to Iran Frontpage.

Iran “considers the fulfilling of all these demands as a condition for giving the US the permission to re-join the JCPOA,” it added.

An eighth round of nuclear talks between Iran and world power started on Monday with a focus on Tehran’s fuel export and lifting of sanctions.

Negotiations to restore the deal known as the Joint Collective Plan of Action resumed in November.Washington was a party to the original agreement, but withdrew under president Donald Trump in 2018.