Ayub Soleimani, Iran's Deputy Police Chief announced on Tuesday that the minimum age of drug addiction in Iran has dropped to as young as age 16.
Suleimani however described the efforts of Iran's police force in monitoring the trafficking of illegal drugs among students as "effective."
He declared that the drop is not as sharp as they have expected considering the recorded tracks of the past years.
With the production of almost 90 per cent of world's opium in the neighboring Afghanistan, and other homemade chemical illegal drugs like crystal meth, and considering the social, economic and political causes, the rate of drug using in Iran has experienced a dramatic increase especially among young population.
Based on a 2017 report, "there are more than 2.8 million people regular drug users in Iran." The real number is believed to be much higher now.
Iran also has turned into a hub for international drug trafficking, several heavy loads of smuggled drug originated from Iran seized on Europe’s soil in recent months. Iranian officials have urged Europe to pay its share of expenses in controlling drug trafficking.