By: Shahram Mirzaei
Not much time has passed since Iran destroyed the United States embassy in Beirut on April 18, 1983, through the Lebanese Hezbollah. In fact, four decades have passed since a great historical event, which we are still witnessing its daily effects, does not indicate a long time, and the event is considered as a turning point in the terrorist acts of Islamists against humanity and the free world.
With the fall of the despotic and inhumane Pahlavi regime, the Islamic terrorist forces led by Ruhollah Khomeini were able to suppress the progressive forces, including in Kurdistan, and seize the government in Iran in a massive coup. From this time on, the Islamists were able to organize themselves and establish terrorist organizations in different countries of the Middle East with the facilities of a government and the huge wealth of a country like Iran.

The attack on the American embassy in 1983 and then the suicide attack on the headquarters of the American Marines in Beirut on October 23, 1983, is a major turning point in the evolution of the way Islamists carry out terrorist operations in the world. 241 US soldiers, 58 French soldiers, and six civilians were killed during the attack of Iran-affiliated forces on the headquarters of the American Marines. After these attacks, our world changed and until today we have not been able to see peace. This is the beginning of Islamic terror rule over the world. But who is responsible for this disaster?
The inaction and lack of response of the Western world, especially the United States, to these terrorist acts sent a direct message to Iran's leaders that they are allowed to establish and arm terrorist organizations. The leaders of the West, who suddenly found themselves in front of a new ideological government, did not have the ability to respond to the existing conditions. But it is better to say that the leaders of the West did not have the determination and courage to respond to this new terrorist movement because they were unable to recognize and understand the nature and ideological nature of the other side.
After these attacks, a joint plan between the US and France to attack IRGC and Hezbollah centers in Lebanon was planned and approved by the presidents of the two countries at the time, but the US defense minister at the time lobbied against it and stoped it. By claiming that there is no accurate information about Iran's role in these attacks, he was able to prevent the attack on the IRGC and Hezbollah.
This double-mindedness and lack of decisiveness in dealing with the terrorist regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran still dominates the leadership system of the free world, especially the United States. Unfortunately, this wrong policy created a suitable environment for the growth of Islamist terrorism and turned our world into an unsafe place.
The formation of Al-Qaeda and the occurrence of the terrorist events of September 11, the emergence of ISIS and their attack on the Yazidi Kurds and the kidnapping of thousands of Kurdish women and their sale as sex slaves in the 21st century, numerous terrorist attacks in various regions of the West, the loss of the sense of security in these countries And finally, the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel are the clear results of not dealing decisively with Tehran.

After almost five decades of appeasement policy with Iran, finally, a tragedy called the terrorist attack of October 7, made Israel to be satisfied that it should come out of the defensive shell and cut off the arms of Islamic terrorism in the region and finally attack to the heart of the main devil, which is The Islamic Republic of Iran. But unfortunately, the international community and the free world still insist on the policy of appeasement with Iran. For this reason, Israel is alone in the fight against terrorism and alone bears the weight of the world in the fight against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Of course, taking wrong policies against Iran's terrorist behavior does not end here. The US on Friday, September 28, announced an agreement with Iraq that will result in the withdrawal of American troops from parts of Iraq. This is probably the beginning of another great disaster that will face our world with more dangers from the Islamic Republic of Iran. This withdrawal means the complete handover of Iraq to Iran. It provides a safe and empty space for the terrorists of Hezbollah, Hamas and other organizations affiliated with Iran to escape from the danger of being destroyed by Israel and move their environment to Iraq. If this agreement is implemented, Iraq with all its riches will become the most suitable place for the growth and spread of Islamic terrorism, which is supported and programmed by Iran.
This nullifies all Israel's efforts to cut off the arms of terrorism of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as all the efforts of the West to create a secure Middle East. If it continues like this, the future of our world is not clear and we will continue to witness the consolidation of Islamic terrorism, it will just change its location.
emergence of ISIS and the killing of Yazidi Kurds and then the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, it has sounded the alarm for the Western countries and raised this question for them, which country's turn will it be next? History has shown us that Iran is the head of a snake, and to kill a snake, you have to hit its head. This does not mean the suggestion of a military attack on Iran by the author, but it means the all-round support of the free countries, especially the United States, for the freedom-loving movements of the Iranian nations, including the Kurds, who have sufficient and necessary potential to destroy the Islamic Republic, but lack international support.
The silence and passivity of the western countries in supporting the uprising of the Kurds and other Iranian nations during the uprisings of December 2017, November 2019, and finally the lack of support for the broad movement of WomAn, Life, Freedom, gave the message to the Islamic Republic that it can carry out its crimes inside and continue his terrorist activities outside of Iran without fearing any punishment.
The West must end this appeasement policy with Iran and crush the snake's head in Tehran by supporting the progressive and liberal movements of the Iranian nations and end the five decades of terrorism fostered by Iran.