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Report: tensions rise between Iran hardliners and Rouhani

Report: tensions rise between Iran hardliners and Rouhani
posted onOctober 27, 2019

An exchange of hostile talks is apparently increasing between Iranian hardliners and Hassan Rouhani’s administration.

Hardliners and supporters of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have been blaming Rouhani and his foreign minister Mohamad Javad Zarif for representing Iran as a “weak country” in dealing with West.

One of the harshest defence Rouhani has recently made was when he threatened to name the “one who has shut down the country.”

The defence came as Rouhani was giving a speech at a cabinet meeting last week, according to Radio Farda.

The conservatives and allies of Khamenei have reportedly accused the Iranian President of “surrendering the country to foreign enemies.”

Recently, a prominent hardliner Ayatollah said that the 2015 nuclear deal did not bring respect to Iran, what brought respect to the country were seizing UK ship and shooting down American drones, Radio Farda reported on Saturday.

Ayatollah Ahmad Alamolhoda, who is known as a close ally to the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, criticized the current Iranian President Hassan Rouhani for his weakness and failures in making the nuclear deal.

He compared the Iranian President to the Safavid Dynasty’s Shah Sultan Hossein, who is famous in Iranian history for his weak and unsatisfied monarch.

Iran have been attacking Saudi’s ships, seizing a UK vessel and claimed to be shooting down American drones in the past few months. All of these actions were justified and appreciated by the Iranian hardliners.