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Dutch Trade Union urges Iran to release labor activists

Dutch Trade Union urges Iran to release labor activists
posted onMay 5, 2019

The Dutch National Trade Union, in a letter dated April 30 urged Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to release Iranian labor activist “immediately and unconditionally.”

“On behalf of the Dutch National Trade Union, FNV, with over 1 million members, I would like to address my concern to you regarding the violation of labor rights in Iran,” the letter stated.

“This is particularly the case of the Iranian labor rights activist Esmail Bakhshi and Seoideh Qolian,” the letter continues, adding that Bakhshi and Qolian were rearrested by the Iranian intelligence agency known as Etelaat on January 20, 2019 “for speaking out about the torture they said they suffered in custody during their detention in November and December 2018.”

“Esmail Bakhshi and Sepideh Gholian are to be released immediately and unconditionally as they are prisoners of conscience, jailed solely for peacefully exercising their (labour) right to freedom of association, assembly and expression. Pending their release, they should be protected from further torture and other ill-treatment. Their allegations of torture are being investigated and those responsible will be brought to justice in fair trials. You must ensure the rights of workers to form and join independent trade unions of their choice, in line with the ILO core conventions and Iran's obligation under the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, “the letter urged Iranian President Rouhani to fulfill.

Ismael Bakhshi, a labor activist working at Haft Tappeh Sugarcane factory and Spideh Qolian, a human rights activist were arrested in November 2018 when workers of Haft Tappeh went on a 21-day-long strike against privatization of the factory and unpaid salaries.

Bakhsi, who was also representing workers of Haft Tappeh, invited Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi for a televised live debate in January regarding torture he has suffered while in custody.

Dutch Trade Union urges Iran to release labor activists