Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz said on Tuesday that his country is preparing itself for possible escalation of war between Washington and Tehran.
Specking in an international security forum, Katz noted that “It should be taken into account that mistaken calculation by the (Iranian) regime…are liable to bring about a shift from the ‘gray zone’ to the ‘red zone’- that is, a military conflagration.”
Tensions have been raising once again between Washington and Tehran following the attacks of six oil tankers and downing of an American Navy drone by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGCs).
“We must be prepared for this, and thus the state of Israel continues to devote itself to building up its military might for the event that it will have to respond to escalation scenarios,” Business insider quoted Katz, who added that “Iran has no chance in this war.”
Tehran has been internationally blamed for increasing tensions and threatening stability in the region.