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European powers urge Iran to return to negotiation table

European powers urge Iran to return to negotiation table
AvaToday caption
posted onAugust 20, 2021

The United Kingdom, France and Germany expressed their “grave concern” over Iran’s increase in uranium metal and production of enriched uranium, asking the country to return to nuclear talks in Vienna.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) told member states this week Iran had enriched uranium up to 60% using two centrifuge cascades at its Natanz facility.

The IAEA added that Tehran had manufactured 200 grams of uranium metal up to 20% fissile purity.

“Both are key steps in the development of a nuclear weapon, and Iran has no credible civilian need for either measure,” the three European countries, known as the E3, said in a statement.

The European powers accused Iran of “establishing facts on the ground, which make a return to the JCPOA more complicated.” The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is the formal name given to Iran’s 2015 nuclear agreement with the world powers.

“Iran's activities are all the more troubling given the fact [that] talks in Vienna have been interrupted upon Tehran’s request for two months now and that Iran has not yet committed to a date for their resumption,” the joint statement said.