The Islamic Republic of Iran has lost its right to vote at the United Nations because of unpaid dues.
The voting right of eight countries will be suspended as they haven’t been able to pay the Union, Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday in a letter to the General Assembly, according to AFP.
Under the UN charter, a member country's right to vote is suspended when its' arrears equal or exceed the amount of dues it should have paid over the preceding two years.
Those countries that have lost their right to vote for now are Iran, Sudan, Venezuela, Antigua and Barbuda, Congo, Guinea and Papua New Guinea, he said.
The minimum amount Iran must pay to recover its vote is just over $18 million.
Last year Iran lost its vote over unpaid dues. However, after months of negotiations Iran was allowed to access money blocked by the US Treasury and got back its vote in June in time for the election of new members of the Security Council.