Kurdish Syrians, who are currently under the brutal attacks of Turkish army, accused Ankara of using banned weapons against civilians and children.
A series of photos and videos, showing wounded children with burned skins, were also provided as evidences for Turkey’s use of internationally outlawed weapons. Medical teams, Kurdish forces and their political leaders have called on international communities to investigate the case.
In a video published on social media, a doctor from Syria’s Sari Kani (Ras al-Ain) said, “we are treating civilians including kids with very strange and abnormal wounds.” He also added that a medical team is investigating the case to figure out what kind of weapons the Turkish army had used against these civilians.
Turkey has denied the use of chemical weapons and said Ankara does not even have such weapons.
As US withdrew forces from Syrian Kurdistan, Turkey began its long-awaited operation plan against the Kurds in Syria. The International community failed to act against the Turkish government and the Kurds say that the world left them behind to be slaughtered by Ankara.