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Tehran University students protest against compulsory hijab, morality police

Tehran University students protest against compulsory hijab, morality police
posted onMay 14, 2019

The students of Tehran University gathered on Monday protesting against the Islamic Republic’s compulsory hijab and the behavior of the so-called morality police.

The protesters gathered outside the Department of Fine Arts of Tehran University, chanting slogans such as: “students die but won’t accept disgrace,” and “unemployment, forced labor, compulsory hijab,” among others.

The students were especially criticizing the enforcement of strict rules and regulations including compulsory hijab by morality police at the universities.

Several reports indicate that the protests have descended into violent clashes after security forces entered the university.

According to these reports, Basij (mobilization) forces and pro-regime students from the school of Theology entered the campus to end the gathering.

Published videos on social media show violent clashes have erupted between Basij forces against protesting students in the amphitheater of the Fine Arts Department.

At the scene of the amphitheater, one student, who was believed to be the spokesperson of the protesting students, recited a statement in which the students demand university officials to remove the new female dress code imposed by the Iranian regime.

"We are gathering today to condemn the compulsory hijab, morality police, and the specific dress code imposed at the university,” read the statement.

Students also carried placards demanding the release of three journalists and social activists.

Neda Naji, Atefe Rqngriz, and Mrzieh Amiri have been detained since Labor Day rallies on May 1.

Despite the heavy presence of plainclothes police and Basij forces at the university, the students vowed to continue with the strikes until the demands are met.

Tehran University students protest against compulsory hijab, morality police

Tehran University students protest against compulsory hijab, morality police