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Sirvan Fakhri, an Iranian political activist, has faced a serious risk of deportation to Iran

Sirvan Fakhri, an Iranian political activist, has faced a serious risk of deportation to Iran
posted onOctober 13, 2024

According to the report received by Avatoday, Seyyed Sirvan Fakhri, who is in Korbash camp in Van, Turkey, has been faced by the serious risk of being deported to Iran. If this Iranian political activist is deported, he will face torture, prison and the risk of execution.

On Friday, October 22, documents were received by Avatoday, which show that Seyyed Sirvan Fakhri faced a serious and imminent risk of deportation from Turkiye to Iran.

In this regard, Seyyed Sirvan Fakhri sent a message to Avatoday and announced: "On October 11, 2024, I received documents from my lawyer that contained two administrative documents stating that I was detained for six months and ordered to be deported by the Turkish police. These orders were issued by the administration. Turkish immigration is presented".

He also announced: "According to the issued orders, I will be detained for six months, and at the same time, the deportation order must be executed, and the only way to save me is to leave Turkey legally and be accepted in a safe third country."

It should be noted that Sirwan Fakhri was a refugee and resident in Iraqi Kurdistan before, but due to continuous threats by Iranian security forces to assassinate or kidnap him, he was forced to leave Iraq and seek refuge in Turkey.

He mentions in his message: "According to the rulings issued against me by the Turkish Immigration Department regarding deportation to Iran, my life is in serious danger and I can only seek refuge legally and by issuing a visa to a third country."

He asked the human rights groups and organizations to be his collaborators and supporters so that the possibility of legal exit from Turkey and transfer to a third and safe country will be provided for him in the shortest possible time.