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Iranian house investors protest over lost money  

Iranian house investors protest over lost money  
posted onOctober 22, 2018

Investors of Maskane Mehr, a housing project in Iran, gathered on Sunday in the capital city of Tehran and demonstrated over losing their properties.

The investors who have lost their money declared that they have been waiting to receive their properties for seven years.

Maskane Mehr was a governmental housing project across the country, which was announced by Iranian former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2013, but critics have risen due to the law-quality materials used to build the houses, made them a risky place to live in.

According to unofficial statistics, about 2000 people were dead in November 2017 when a 7.3 magnitude earthquake hit Kurdish province of Kermanshah. Most of the victims were living in Maskane Mehr of Sarpol-e Zahab.