تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Dr. Iraj Mohammadzadeh was sentenced to two years in prison

Dr. Iraj Mohammadzadeh was sentenced to two years in prison
Iraj Mohammadzadeh, a Kurdish journalist in Iranian Kurdistan, has been sentenced to two years in prison
In order to suppress the Kurdish nation and restrict freedom of expression, the security agencies of Iran have devoted all their efforts to intensify the security environment throughout Kurdistan.
posted onMay 25, 2024

Dr. Iraj Mohammadzadeh, a journalist from Jawanrood in Kermanshah province of Iranian Kurdistan, has been sentenced to two years in prison by an Iranian court on charges of “Worrying the public mind and publishing lies”.

Iraj Mohammadzadeh is the director of the Western Telegram channel and a doctoral student in political science.

He was sentenced to two years in prison by Branch 101 of the Jawanrood Criminal Court, presided over by Hadi Charaghi, on charges of “Worrying the public mind and publishing lies”.

Iraj Mohammadzadeh has 25 years of experience as a journalist and has been summoned, threatened and questioned by the security agentes several times in recent years.

It is worth mentioning that due Kurdish nation struggle for freedom and a humane life, many Kurdish youth are being summoned, interrogated, tortured and imprisoned every day.

دکتۆر ئیرەج محەممەدزادە سزای ٢ ساڵ بەندکرانی بە سەردا سەپێندرا
Mahdi Majidi, from Bokan, Iranian Kurdistan, was sentenced to five years in prison

In this regard, Last week, Mahdi Majidi, a young man from Bokan in Iraian Kurdistan, was sentenced to three years in prison by Branch 102 of the Second Criminal Court of Bokan on charges of “supporting the Zionist regime” and one year on charges of “propaganda against the regime” and one year on charges of "disrespecting the leader of Iran was sentenced.

He was sentenced to a total of five years in prison