Reza Mehregan, one of the fourteen political activists who have signed a petition urging Iranian Supreme Leader to resign, announced on his Twitter account that, "He was the target of a street attack by three strangers, using Taser."
A group of fourteen activists based in Iran has signed an open letter to the Iranian Supreme Leader, Seyed Ali Khamenei, asking him to resign.
The advocates, who among them are political, human rights and civil activists, have expressed their serious concern about the growing power of Khamenei and suggested some constitutional changes.
“The woeful history of the past 40 years demonstrates that our leaders feel no accountability to the Iranian people. Iran’s rulers insist upon their deviant and irredeemable ways and on perpetuating a cult of personality around the supreme leader,” the activists wrote.
Last week, Mohammad Hossein Sepehri another signatory of the statement published a video clip in which he claimed that an unidentified person with a knife in his hand came to his house and when he called the police station, no one has been sent to protect him.
There were also some reports about Javad La’l Mohammedi, member of Mashhad Teachers Union and one of the signatories of the statement has received “several life-threatening phone calls.”
Iranian judiciary officials haven’t shown any reaction to these increasing incidents.