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IRGCs’ commander: US 'scared' to start war with Iran

IRGCs’ commander: US 'scared' to start war with Iran
AvaToday caption
posted onJuly 4, 2019

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander, Hossein Salami, said on Wednesday that the United States is afraid of war with Iran and therefore focusing on an economic conflict instead.

"In the current situation, this is the enemy who is scared of the outbreak of war and this fear is obvious in their behavior... At the current crossroads, economic war is the main field for the enemy to confront us," Salami said.

Tensions between Tehran and Washington escalated since Donald Trump withdrew from 2015-Iran nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions on Iran, aiming to bring Iran’s oil exports to zero.

Iran has been criticized by US and its Middle Eastern allies of supporting terrorism throughout the region.

Six oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, US embassy in Baghdad, Saudi oil pipelines and several military bases in Iraq have been attacked in last three months reportedly by Iran-affiliated groups.

US Department of State Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said on Tuesday that “Iranian-backed Houthi attacks risk the lives of many and injure innocent civilians. We call for an immediate end to these violent actions.”