ERBIL, Iraqi Kurdistan Region – Kurdish local forces killed three gunmen who attacked Erbil’s Governorate Building on Monday morning and wounded four security forces.
“Today early morning and minutes before daily working started, three gunmen tried to enter the building (Erbil Governorate Building), “Tahir Abdulla, Erbil deputy governor told local media. “A policeman was wounded as he confronted the gunmen to enter the building.”
Abdulla added that the identity of gunmen is still under investigation and that the purpose of attack is yet remained unknown.
“It is not clear if the attack is a terrorist one or not,” he explained.
According to Barzan Qassab, deputy head of Erbil security (Asayesh) one policeman and three security forces were wounded during the operation.
Eyewitness said the Kurdish security forces surrounded the building immediately after the three attackers entered the building.
Hours of confrontation between security forces and the gunmen reported.
Three hours later, at 10:00 am as the gunmen reached the third floor of the building, security forced announced that they have killed one of the gunmen.
Kurdish authorities later reported that all the three gunmen were killed in clashes with security forces and the operation was successfully over by noon.