Iran’s state media, IRNA, said that if the Western parties to the 2015 nuclear deal stop “extravagant requests” and “political games”, it would be likely to reach a “good deal”.
According to the report, Iran's nuclear negotiating team headed by Ali Bagheri Kani has held several meetings to ensure lifting sanctions against Iran.
Some reports said that there is a partial pause in the negotiations in Vienna.
Russia's permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna said that “E3 colleagues decided as far as now to leave Vienna for a short period of time."
"Apparently, they don’t see any place in negotiations for them at this late stage. They believe that they have done their job and their presence here is not necessary while others Iran, Russia, China, US are trying to finalize deliberations on issues of interest for them.”
Iran, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany are still engaged in their eighth round of talks which began on December 27. They are completing a draft text of an agreement to revive the 2015 deal, which former President Donald Trump withdrew from in 2018.