Thousands of Iranian teachers gathered across the country on Thursday, May 2, 2019 turning National Teachers’ Day into anti-government protests.
“Asking questions is one of our duties as a teacher, here I ask rulers several questions,” a teacher in Kermanshah said, where tens if protesters gathered in front of Directorate of Education.
“Why is there so much injustice against teachers,” he says in a video received by Avatoday, “Why should a teacher that just asks questions to authorities be convicted to more than 20 years in jail?”
“We have been suppressed for 40 years,” another teacher said, “why should we keep silent?” she asked her colleagues.
“We are fed up with unfulfilled promises, they [the Iranian authorities] have been talking and making promises for 40 years. We want action.” She said.
In Sanandaj hundreds of teachers stormed into the streets chanting anti-government and anti-corruption slogans. Sanandaji teachers also demanded to study in their mother tongue, Kurdish.
Teachers across the nation also called for the unconditional and immediate release of detained educators.