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Iranian tutors protest in front of parliament, ministry offices  

Iranian tutors protest in front of parliament, ministry offices  
posted onFebruary 2, 2022

Thousands of Iranian teachers have continued their protest over low payment and inflation on Tuesday, this time gathered in front of parliament and education ministry offices in other provinces.

Teachers across the country have been protesting in the past few months, with dozens of them arrested by the state during the rallies.

People on fixed incomes are suffering most from Inflation, which has soared to more than 40 percent.

On Tuesday, the crowd of teachers in Tehran as well as Esfahan and Shiraz provinces urged the state for an immediate release of their colleagues.

Iran’s ILNA news agency reported that teachers in Alborz province, west of the capital, carried placards demanding “Free the imprisoned teachers.”

Protesters called for the alignment of teachers’ salaries with those of other public sector employees among other demands.

“Unfortunately, our salary with a master’s degree and sometimes a doctorate is about 4.5 million tomans (160 dollars)” per month, ILNA quoted a protesting teacher in the city of Yazd as saying.

Iran has been badly hit by US sanctions reimposed by former president Donald Trump in 2018.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday that US sanctions were not the only factor. He also blamed economic mismanagement by the government.