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Iran is world’s No.1 sponsor of terrorism, says US ambassador

 Iran is world’s No.1 sponsor of terrorism, says US ambassador
posted onAugust 7, 2020

The US ambassador to the United Nations on Thursday called the Islamic Republic of Iran “the world’s number one sponsor of terrorism” and warned Tehran’s two allies, Russia and China, that they will become “co-sponsors” if they block a resolution to extend the UN arms embargo on Iran.

Ambassador Kelly Craft said the US hopes Russia and China “will not be co-sponsors of the number one state that sponsors terrorism” and “will see the importance of peace in the Middle East.”

“They’re just going to be promoting chaos, conflict and mayhem outside their borders, so we have to just corner them,” She referred to Russia and china’s supports for Iranian regime.

The top US envoy for Iran, Craft and Brian Hook, briefed a group of reporters following Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s recent announcement that the US will call for a Security Council vote next week on a drafted resolution to extend the arms embargo that is due to expire Oct. 18.

Hook announced hours later he is stepping down from the post.